The qustion im doing is would moly burke have been inspierd to speak to schools if she was not bullied.
I think she would have not been inspierd because she would have noting to talk about. sure she could of talked about being blind but other people are blind to. but that would not inspiere other people to pevent bulling.
today we finished eye wonder and the ending was touching because every one gave Auggie a standing ovation and no one made fun of him so i thought that was nice, and i really like August's precepts it was... every one in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life  because we all overcometh the world

Don't cry because its over be happy it happend
 so for example you made it to the finals in basket ball and you lost don't
get upset, be happy of the journy

my new years resolutions, my first resolution is to get in the habit of reading every night before i go to bed. and my second new years resolution is to get more involved in community work for example i could help feed  the home less, so those are my new years resolution.
today we were reading wonder and i thought summer was very nice compared to other kids but one thing that really got to me was that the populare kids were trying to get summer to stop hanging out with August and thats what i dont understand about people they try to controll other peoples lives, it's not Augusts falt that he looks that way, i mean you don't have to be freinds but you should be nice to August

what i have been learning recently. latly we have been doing math every day after recess personily i dont like math, i understand it and i do my math homwork when ever it's asigned. But i just dont like it. My class is also  learning  about the five kingdom's whitch i did not even know egsisted,and we have a project to work on and im going to really try to get a A on it. so thats a little bit on whats happening in school for me. 

Your deeds are your monument is a true statement.A monument is  a structure that only says we were here, a deed is something that says what we did while we were here, how we acted to our community our  friends and our family, since I was little my parents told me of a special poem called " The Dash"

"The Dash
I read of a man who stood to speak
the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her
From the the end.
He noted that first came her
date of birth
And spoke the following date with tears, 1964-1994
But he
said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is
For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars..the house..the
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you”d like to
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what”s true and
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the
people in our lives
Like we”ve never loved before.
If we treat each other
with respect,
And more often wear a smile..
Remembering that this special
Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy”s being read
With your life”s actions to
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent
your dash?




I wonder why summer was so nice to august was it because she did not like the way her friends where talking about august or was it because she does not know what august's face look's like. I think that she is trying to be friendly, tell me what you think in the comments.

I wonder why julian was so mean to august, i wonder if it's just who he is or is it because of august's face, tell me what you think in the comments.